You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
Mahatma Gandhi
If you want to change anything in the World, you have to move your own ass! It's as simple as that. Bitching and moaning that things aren't as they ought to be (...and somebody ought to do something) won't help. Neither will articulating the problem (Jeez, I hate that expression and behavior!), and liking and sharing stories about how hard and cruel the World is towards those who have fallen on hard times, isn't helping anyone anywhere.
Pilgaard Legacy is the equivalent to mission and vision statement in the business world, only for the things I'm doing. It didn't start as a conscious attempt at changing anything, when I started writing back in 2003, but in hindsight that is what I've been trying to do.
There is quite a lot of considerations, strategy and history behind most of the activities in this project. It's a long story, and it will be addressed on a separate page at some point, if someone should feel like reading it.
The be the change I want to see in the World, as Gandhi said!
Grundtvig had the right idea when he worked for education for all. Same goes for his positive attitude towards life. As an atheist and a bit of an idealist, I would like to help creating a secular and updated version of this. And most importantly: inspire others to do the same.
- To make as much knowledge as possible available to as many people as possible.
- To teach as much as possible, before I kick the bucket.
- To create a culture where having access to as much knowledge as we have on the Internet, inspire to more than just watching cute videos of cats and pictures of food.
... and with these words I'll get back to work!
Michael Pilgaard
American Comic Books. A site about American comic books. I was a bit annoyed with the small/alternative publishers not being indexed very often on the established sites, and I was really tired of the American notion that anything remotely indicating sex have to be covered by strategically placed black squares, if shown at all. Last but no least, I wanted a comic book site with an analogue and aesthetically calm design, instead of an ugly user interface from the 90's, slapped on top of an SQL database. |
Danske Tegneserier. A site about Danish comic books. As with American Comic Books, I wanted a comic book site with an analogue and aesthetically calm design, instead of an ugly user interface from the 90's, slapped on top of an SQL database. Besides the difference in user experience I also wanted to focus on the content in a slightly different way. |
HTML-Hajen. Educational material about web design, HTML, XML and JavaScript in Danish. |
HTML Shark. Educational material about web design, HTML, XML and JavaScript in English. The site is supposed to be an English version of HTML-Hajen. |
Pilgaard Elements. Elements and their chemistry; site in English. |
Pilgaard Publishing (Danish). The Danish version of the publisher's web site. |
Pilgaard Publishing (English). The English version of the publisher's web site. |
Pilgaard Polymers. Polymers and their chemistry; site in English. |
Pilgaard's Web Chemistry. Educational material about chemistry in English. The site is ment to be an English version of WebKemi. |
WebKemi. Educational material about chemistry in Danish. Slightly annoyed by the way changing administrations has ruined chemistry as an educational subject, I try to create some educational material, structured according to chemistry in its broadest sense, as used in the real world, and not just the parts required for passing exams. |
WeirdSpace. Resource site about pop cultural characters, worlds and concepts. Pages in English, Danish, German, French and Spanish. |
WeirdSpace Digital Library. Digital texts and author index. Texts in Danish, English, German and French. |